4.64 / 5.00


Sehr Gut

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  • Trustpilot : Sehr Gut (4.60 / 5.00 von 1371 Bewertungen) ansehen

Sehr Gut

4.64 / 5.00
536 Bewertungen

64584 Biebesheim am Rhein

Bewertungen auf

Ich jabe schon öfter bestellt und es war immer alles super.
Macht weiter so antwortet:

800er HotlineNummer ist Wünschenswert !!!
Sonst Jamoona ist SUPER. antwortet:

Robert. B.
I live in Germany and regularly buy my english teabags from antwortet:

Rupak Jindal
I made the purchase during the weekly discounts and the delivery was on time!
Thank you! antwortet:

They have drastically improved the quality of products and also included vegitables and fruits in their portfolio, which is very good. The website is also great and user friendly. They take constant feedback from customers and try to improve continuously.
This has resulted in improvement in the quality of products that they sell. antwortet:

They Delivered me Dawat Daily Rice in two days . The rice was so bad that only 50% of the rice is good and rest of the rice remains as grains even after cooking. I tried contacting them via what’s app , Facebook , phone .. they least bothered giving me a reply . I threw away an entire bag of rice after waiting for two months . Please don’t waste your money buying items from Jamoona antwortet:

Quick delivery and good item quality.. antwortet:

The assortments have gone down quite a lot and I had to order more than half of my grocery to local store. Plus last two deliveries have been quite delayed antwortet:

Great place to buy all the Indian grocery for reasonable price antwortet:

I ordered and now it's 1.5 years or more, and the order is not yet completed. No sense of customer-care. Absolutely not recommended to anyone. antwortet:

Kunde aus Deutschland
Ich habe 1.und letztes Mal bei dem Händler hamooda bestellt. Mein Lieferschein und eine Packung Reis waren dreckig mit einem Zeug was gestunken hat, braun Orange,ekelhaft!!!! Hab versucht 2 mal über e Mail Verkäufer zu kontaktieren mit Fotos, wollte erstattung oder Rücksendungsschein auch nicht für komplette Bestellung nur für beschädigte wäre, leider keine Reaktion. Dann habe ich über WhatsApp geschrieben und nach 24 Stunden hat mir jemand antwortet dass ich den Reis trotzdem benutzen kann ist wahrscheinlich Verpackung nicht durch mit dem Zeug. Geht noch? Hab noch über WhatsApp geschrieben das ich es zurück schicken möchte und jetzt nach 1 Woche keine Antwort bekommen. Außerdem Bestellung kam viel zu spät an. Leute unzuverlässige Firma bitte woanders bestellen!!!!!!!!! antwortet:

Guten Tag liebe(r) Kunde/in,

vielen Dank für Ihr Feedback.

Es tut uns sehr Leid zu hören, dass die bestellte Ware mit Verspätung und teilweise verschmutzt bei Ihnen angekommen ist.

Wir haben unseren E-Mail Posteingang überprüft und können leider weder unter Ihrem Namen noch unter Ihrer Bestellnummer eine Nachricht von Ihnen finden.
Eventuell ist Ihre E-Mail an eine fehlerhafte/andere E-Mail Adresse versendet worden und Sie haben daher keine Rückmeldung von uns erhalten.

Als Entschädigung für die Unannehmlichkeiten würden wir Ihnen gerne die Rückerstattung des Kaufpreises des betreffenden Produktes (Royal Orient 4,5kg Jasminreis) anbieten. Es ist hierfür nicht notwendig, den Artikel an uns zurückzusenden.

Bitte bestätigen Sie uns kurz, ob Sie mit dieser Lösung einverstanden sind.
Wir möchten uns vielmals für die Umstände entschuldigen.

Beste Grüße, Team Jamoona

I placed my order on 17.02.22 but it is still unavailable. Though they mentioned it usually takes 2-3 working days. But almost 6 working days has been passed but didn’t get the delivery. Very much disappointed with the service. I needed some grocery urgently. But after 7/8 days of ordering I haven’t get my order. antwortet:

Dear Bithi,

Thank you for your feedback.

We are very sorry to hear that you were dissatisfied with our service and the processing time of your last order.
We can understand that the long waiting time for the goods is very annoying for you.
We would like to apologize for this very much!

As a compensation for the delay in the shipping process of your order, we would like to offer you a 10€ coupon code you can redeem on a future order.
Please confirm briefly if you agree with this solution and we will be happy to send you the discount code.

We hope to welcome you again as a customer in our shop and to convince you of a better service this time.

Best regards, Team Jamoona

I recently ordered online on
Though prices were a little more that what we get in Shops it was totally worth it !!!
The food quality especially vegetables was impressive!
Everything was fresh and well packaged including suitable cold packaging wherever needed!
Much appreciated ! Once you try them, definitely you will repeat your Orders!!!
Kudos to Jamoona team !!! antwortet:

I placed my order on 25.01 Jan and on 01st Feburary, the status of order is still "Paid and in queue to be packed". I tried reaching them on call at least ten times during last week, but they don't answer phone calls. They have so called whatsapp chat, on which they never reply. On an average, one can expect a response on your email with a misleading information. As of today, they asked me to cancel the order online, which isn't possible at all. There is no option to cancel the order online. Finally, I had to send an email for cancelling the order on 01.02.2022 and got an email stating package will be picked up by courier service in next 48 hours instead of confirming the order cancellation. Sheer nonsense. Definitely not recommended to anyone. Order handling and Customer service itself is so disappointing, can't comment on products as after more than a week nothing is delivered. antwortet:

Dear Mutlu,

Thank you for your feedback.

We are very sorry to hear that you were dissatisfied with our service and the processing time of your last order.

We can understand that the long waiting time for the goods is very annoying for you.
Since we have received a large number of inquiries in the past few weeks, there have unfortunately been some delays in processing.
We would like to apologize for this very much!

After the packing process of an order has been completed, we are unfortunately no longer able to cancel it.
Please be advised that our customer support team aims to respond to all messages within 24 hours from Monday to Friday. We have checked the conversation with you can see that you have received a reply from our side in time.

To compensate for the problems with your order, we have decided to give you a full refund of the purchase price.
We hope that you agree with this solution and that we can reduce your disappointment a little.

We hope to welcome you again as a customer in our shop and to convince you of a better service this time.

Best regards, Team Jamoona

I had placed my order on 28.11.2021 but it’s still showing for my order
Order ID 134229
Order date:
28.11.2021, 19:56
5. Paid and in queue to be packed.
I really don’t know, when will be my order delivered.
I was shopping using this site for 2 years but service quality is still not improved.
I think i have to switch another option.
I can’t refer to my friends using this site for shopping anymore. antwortet:

Dear Roshyara,

Thank you for your feedback.

We are very sorry to hear that you were dissatisfied with our service and the processing time of your last order.

We can understand that the long waiting time for the goods ordered is very annoying.
During the Black Week Sale, we have received a large number of orders and unfortunately, we weren't able to dispatch all the parcels on time.

We would like to apologize for this!

As a small compensation for the inconvenience caused, we have sent you a discount code that you can redeem for a future order.

We hope to welcome you again as a customer in our shop and to convince you of a better service this time.

Best regards, Team Jamoona

Rajiv Kumar
I ordered on 26.11.2021 and made the payment through paypal on the same day. Now after 8 days, my items are not even dispatched, and I do not know when I will receive them. I sent an email to Jamoona enquiring about my oder status, but I just received a standard reply on 01.12.2021 saying "The parcel is currently being processed and the current dispatch time is 4-5 working days.". I do not expect such a reply after 5 days of ordering. I regret my decision now to order from Jamoona. Vey bad service. antwortet:

Dear Rajiv,

Thank you for your feedback.

We are very sorry to hear that you were dissatisfied with our service and the processing time of your last order.

We can understand that the long waiting time for the goods ordered is very annoying.
During the Black Week Sale, we have received a large number of orders and unfortunately, we weren't able to dispatch all the parcels on time.

We would like to apologize for this!

As a small compensation for the inconvenience caused, we have sent you a discount code that you can redeem for a future order.

We hope to welcome you again as a customer in our shop and to convince you of a better service this time.

Best regards, Team Jamoona

I am buying regularly products from jamoona but since last 1 year.service is very poor and sometimes they take more than 10 days for delivery.they are not replying via emails or what's app nor they are receiving call .at the end I have to cancel my order and in my last purchase I didn't receive my whole order .how can they do that even receive full payment in advance.after some days they told me that they will refund money to my account but even after one month I didn't get my Money or the item. And now they are not picking up my phone nor they are replying me by email. antwortet:

Dear Sagar,

Thank you for your feedback.

We are very sorry to hear that you were dissatisfied with our service and the processing time of your last order.

We can understand that the long waiting time for the goods ordered is very annoying.
During the Black Week Sale, we have received a large number of orders and unfortunately, we weren't able to dispatch all the parcels on time.

We would like to apologize for this!

Of course, after canceling your order, you will receive a full refund of the purchase price.

As a small compensation for the inconvenience caused, we have sent you a discount code that you can redeem for a future order.

We hope to welcome you again as a customer in our shop and to convince you of a better service this time.

Best regards, Team Jamoona

I ordered 20+kg(rice etc.) weight from jamoona, every time they used to ship though DHL and I never had any problem related to delivery, this time they changed the delivery partner to DPD, one of the worst delivery provider in Germany, and they left the package at front door and refused to deliver to apartment which is in 1st floor. While ordering, I requested jamoona to deliver though DHL or Hermes as we never had any issue with them, but they refused and sent through DPD.

Initial days they used DHL to grab the customers, now they shifted to cheaper provider DPD as they got more customers now.

I'm sure you people will receive more negative reviews if you guys continues with DPD. I'll never ever order from these people again. antwortet:

Dear Siva,

Thank you for your feedback.

We are very sorry to hear that you were not satisfied with the delivery process for your order.

We can assure you that we have had very good experiences with DPD as a delivery partner so far.
Nevertheless, we will of course be happy to pass your complaint on to DPD in order to optimize the processes.

Of course, your package should be delivered directly to your front door. Due to the current Covid situation, however, the deliverers have the option of contactless delivery and can leave the parcels in a safe place.

Best regards, Team Jamoona

Ich bin mit dem Shop sehr zufrieden.
Der Preis akzeptabel und angemessen.
Die Ware wird gut verpackt und schnell geliefert. antwortet:

This was my first try and I was very satisfied with the products and services. antwortet:

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( - Durchschnitt: 4.64 / 5.00, 536 Bewertungen)
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