
They have improved compared to before.

I recently ordered groceries from Jamoona and was pleasantly surprised by the overall experience. I usually dont leave reviews, but compared to my last year a couple months ago, they seem to have really improved their services.

Especially their shipping has improved! My order arrived much faster than I expected. The products also came to me in good condition, they have added a buffer in the packages so products don't move around & break.

They also seem to have good stocks now, I love Indian food & its great to have the opportunity to try different things from them. Even their fresh items taste really good! Each item was wrapped and placed in a separate bag, which helped to keep them fresh and prevent any damage during shipping.

Overall, I highly recommend them. The improved shipping and packaging have definitely made a positive impact on my shopping experience, and I appreciate the attention to detail now. Hope they continue like this.

Sehr Gut

4.61 / 5.00
1907 Bewertungen

Am Winkelgraben 1A Biebesheim am Rhein